Monday, August 30, 2010

National Toasted Marshmallow Day!


Yay! I love toasted marshmallows!:dummy:Although, I might toast mine a bit too much. I like to have it over the flame until it turns into a giant fireball.:onfire:Then, wait until it turns black, and put the 'fireball' out. The inside is usually still nice and gooey, while the outside's a bit crunchy. Awesome!:iconchibispainplz:I've done it inside over a burner on the stove. Still, just as good as at a campfire. Less bugs, too.:iconchibicanadaplz:

I was a bit busy yesterday, so I didn't have time to post.:iconhongkongplz:Apparently, Mom has a lot of things she can't do after treatment. (Wasn't what made me so busy.) She can't clean, cook, type (why?:confused:), and other things. Like she told me, she can't do anything. But, it's only for a week after her treatment. 

Dad's going back to work this week, because the school year's about to pick up in Seattle. (She's a school psychologist.:icontinoplz:) So, she's incredibly nervous about it.:iconchibilithuaniaplz:More so than usual, because it will be the first time working as a woman over there. 

So, I'm going to have to start cooking a lot more.:iconusaplz:The only reason I haven't really done it lately, is I haven't given myself time for it. I'll just have to figure that in, I guess.:iconraivisplz:I'm thinking of making chicken teriyaki tonight. Sounds good.:iconheroamericaplz:I'll have to do something with fish tomorrow. I'll look up some ideas and plan, later.

I went to services, again!:iconyaykumajiroplz:This time Dad didn't go.:iconamericasadchibiplz:She's going to teach a class, also. And, she needed to make the syllabus still. Our rabbi led, while our cantor accompanied him. I'm always surprised who shows up.:iconseychelles-plz:The Rabbi wasn't too bad this time. His d'rash was about routines. They give us structure to our lives. And, without it there would be chaos or nothing will get done. We're also supposed to try and keep our routine fresh, so it doesn't become boring. A lot of this I agreed with, and some not so much.:iconlietplz:He talked about how he will only have a protein shake for breakfast. Just because he realized his sugary cereals were bad for him.:iconromanoplz:That alone in my head would get boring real quick. I like to have different things for breakfast. (Cereal, English muffin, oatmeal, etc.) Makes it fun.:iconchibisitalyplz:Doesn't have to be bad for you. Just have to be smart about it. I agree with the whole routine thing, but it needs to be flexible too. Otherwise, you can feel like a robot.:iconkikuplz:

Everyone surrounded Mom while she was talking about how her treatment went. Then, the Rabbi came up to me, and asked how I was. After I told him I was just worried about Mom, he slapped me on the back. I hate when people do that!:iconrussiarapefacepls: 

As we were headed back to the car, I was asked if I wanted to teach at the religious school. If it wasn't at the same time of services, maybe.:iconchibirussiaplz:I have an issue with that. I almost feel like the kids should go to services instead, and get some experience or something. Having the school at the same time, just doesn't seem right.:icongermanyplz:When I went, it was on Sundays. They should change it to maybe after services, or during the week, or something. It might be one reason why the school's in so much trouble right now. Or, why they're having problems trying to find teachers.:iconwtfukplz:

Since we've been fed up with a plumber who was supposed to deliver a new toilet 5 weeks ago, we decided to go to Home Depot. Found a pretty a good looking one, and bought it. For an extra fee, they can install it for us. So, we paid that. They're coming tomorrow to put it in. Meanwhile, it sits in our garage.:iconchibijapanplz:I can't wait!:la:I'll be able to use my bathroom! Isn't that sad to be excited for that?:iconspainplz:

We also watched Avatar. It was much better than I thought it would be.:iconfrancisplz:I don't usually think a lot of movies live up to their hype. But, this one's an exception. It was an interesting world, cool effects, a deep storyline, lots of action, and very emotional.:iconchibihungaryplz:

I played a little of Gaia's new game Frontier Skies. It was a bit addicting.:iconnorwayunimpressedplz:It's about flying your crew up to a distressed jellyfish demigod in the sky. You pick a guide, a ship, name your crew, etc. The first guide I chose was a vampire, who brought horrible luck to the crew.:iconohboyamericaplz:Didn't get far with him. The last time I played, I used the grunny as a guide. He gives you a lot of luck, but is really stupid. You're supposed to make sure you have enough food to keep everyone healthy. If you start getting low, you have to hunt. You can run out of bullets too. The ship I started with, had a normal speed and normal cargo hold for food. It was ok, just a little slow. The last ship I used was the fastest, but had the smallest amount for cargo. I think it was the better choice. Also, along the way, there are prompts about what you bump into, what happened to your crew, you found something, etc. They were hilarious!:iconeestiplz:Things like a stranger asks if you'd like some candy. If you're low on luck and press yes for the candy, it turns your crew into something and morale's low enough they slow the ship. If you have luck, then it will increase morale and speed it up. You can buy more bullets, and food at some checkpoints. Really fun game. I won the last time I played.:iconyaygilbirdplz:

deviantART faves: ABC Expression Meme Ex TinierMe Thank You I did not make these! First, an interesting oc meme. It would be a good one to fill out. It's different expressions starting with the letters A to Z. Like, Angry, Blank, Curious, etc. Sounds fun. Second, I know what that feels like, and I think I'd do something similar if I saw my ex again. (Not really, but I'd feel like doing that.) Belarus sees one of her ex's and runs over him in the comic. Third, a selfy that someone that I watch drew. (Selfy's are the avatars on TinierMe.) Cute, and I like the outfit. My Selfy probably doesn't look as cool as hers. Fourth, a beautiful, simple looking drawing from a great artist. He's saying thanks for the 3 million pageviews. Yes, he is that awesome! 

The awesomeness that is Gintama! This makes me more excited to watch when they come back:

A video of when Kanjani8 performed Wahaha on NHK:

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