Tuesday, September 15, 2009

When Aneue makes tamagoyaki, you see and taste things you can't even imagine.

This quote is from Shinpachi in Gintama. (Aneue just means older sister. Also, tamagoyaki is fried eggs. She's a horrible cook. :P) Hi! Well, today I got to do almost everything again. Got up early, exercised, etc. I was actually feeling pretty good. ^_^

In reading Naruto, Orochimaru asks to be healed from Tsunade. He says if she does so, he'll bring back her uncle and brother. She was about to kill him, and then he made himself bleed in front of her and she froze. She has a fear of blood. Weird, considering she's basically a doctor. He gave her a week to think about it. Naruto perfected the second stage of the Rasengan with the rubber ball. Now, he has to make a wall with his chakra in a balloon, and swirl it around without popping it. After this he'll be able to do it normally. Tsunade doesn't believe he can learn the Rasengan in 3 days. So, she said she'll wager her necklace if he can do it in a week. This necklace is very expensive, and has been passed down to her from her grandfather, who was the First Hokage. She said if he can't in a week she's taking all his money. :P

For reading Gintama, there was a ton of pirate parodies. Gintoki and Katsura found the 'space pirate's' ship (the people who abducted Kagura and Shinpachi) and dressed up as pirates. Katsura was insisting people call him Captain Katsura. Gintoki acted like he had a hook for a hand. It was hilarious! :P Eventually they save them. But, Shinpachi and Kagura are still under the drug's influence and asked to be carried and for food. ^_^ The next story was about how the Shinsengumi was told by the Shogun to protect a toad Amanto. (This is the same toad that was trafficking drugs.) Kondo, trying to save the toad, ends up getting shot. The toad doesn't care, and still treats them like 'monkeys'. Obviously this pisses off everyone, especially Sougo. He puts the toad on a cross and makes a fire under him, slowly roasting him. Saying he knows they're not allowed to kill him but they didn't say he couldn't torture him a bit. XD The Kiheitai (an army similar to the Joui, but believes violence is the answer against the Amanto.) want to kill the toad, so they show up after seeing the smoke. So, they end up fighting over a toad that they both hate. Eventually the Shinsengumi win, and put the toad in jail for the drugs. Hasegawa is finally called Madao by Kagura. Madao is an acronym in Japanese meaning useless old man. She calls him this since he keeps telling her how he can't get a job. So, he talks to Gintoki, who says he needs to lose his shades and try to become someone different. (But, he's known for his sunglasses. ^_^) He ends up working as a taxi driver. Eventually Gintoki asks for a ride 'anywhere' and how things are going. The silly Amanto prince shows up while they're talking and asks to go to the zoo. On the way they see a pregnant lady with her husband frantically searching for a taxi. He asks if they can be driven to the nearest hospital. They throw the 'prince' out and hurry the couple in. This ends up getting him fired.

For Japanese I did the rest of ma, ho, and the he section. 窓 or mado means window. It's weird because it looks like the sky kanji over the heart one. Interesting. 丸い or 円い or marui means round, circular, or spherical. 万 or man means ten thousand. 万年筆 or manenhitsu means fountain pen. It's weird, because it starts with the ten thousand and year kanji. o_O I just read that hitsu might be brush. So 10,000 year brush, sounds really weird. :P 法 is an act or law. 胞子 or houshi has many meanings. It usually means spore or a Buddhist priest. XD 欲しい or hoshii means wanted or desired. Houshi and hoshii both sound so similar. :P 細い or hosoi means thin. Hoteru means hotel. :P 本 or hon means book. 本棚 or hondana means bookshelf. Makes sense. ^_^ 本当に or hontouni means really or truly. It's interesting they call Japan, Nihon. So, does that mean it's 2 books for the meaning of the country's name? Kind of cool. :P Peeji means page. 下手 or heta means unskillful or poor. Beddo is bed. :P 部屋 or heya means room. 変 or hen means strange, weird, odd, peculiar, curious, etc. Kind of interesting to know, since I seem to hear it a lot on things. :P 勉強し始める or benkyoushihajimeru means to begin to study. What a long word for that! o_O Although, when I say it, it doesn't seem that bad. 便利 or benri means convenient or handy.

In Mai- HiME, the head school administrator looks like a kid. o_O She the one in the picture. She's also in a wheelchair. She's gathering all the HiME's so they can get rid of 'orphans'. Orphans in this are creatures from another dimension that are lost. One of them was the monster that awakened Mai. The HiME's get their power from a distant star. Later, there's a lingerie burglar. Kind of funny, because all the girls had been 'burglarized'. They find out it's an 'orphan' who stole all of them. So, they set up a trap for it at a nearby apartment. Putting all the lingerie they could find and putting it all over one side of the building. It was funny the guys' reaction to all this. It made me laugh so hard. XD I like when a series pokes fun at these kinds of things. Well, couldn't finish the episode, because the internet went nuts again. Oh, well I'll watch the ending tomorrow.

After this, we went to Walmart and tried on some clothes. I got an ivory shirt, and then we looked at the jewelry. I really don't have many casual and long type earrings, so we looked at some. We bought a bunch, plus 2 necklaces. It feels nice to have so much new jewelry now. :P

1 comment:

  1. what is the name of the school administrator in mai hime?
