Friday, September 25, 2009

Such a drag...

Shikamaru says this a lot in Naruto. :D Hi! Today I got a lot of stuff done. I'm actually feeling tired. Wahoo! It's actually a good thing. I exercised a lot, wrote more of my story, played my clarinet, and other things. I'm already up to 12 pages of the story I'm working on. It's really moving along!

Since I've seen so many things on Youtube that have Vocaloids, I thought I could talk about them. Also, I'm starting to really like them. It's a singing synthesizer software program. Users can sythesize singing by typing in lyrics and melodies. You can change the way the voice sounds too. The programmed vocals are designed to sound like an idol singer from the future. Each Japanese Vocaloid is given an anime type character, and they even have specifications like age, height, weight, and musical strengths. There's many different characters to choose from. The samplings for the type of voice are mostly from voice actors. I think I read there's now English versions of Vocaloids, and they are starting to illustrate them too. It's very interesting for some reason. Maybe because it's based on music, and they have anime characters that sing it. ^_^ (Best of both worlds!)

For Japanese, I finished the chi section and started the ta. 近く or chikaku means neighborhood. 地下鉄 or chikatetsu means subway. (Kanji for: ground, under, and iron. That's weird they have iron there. I understand the underground part, but that seems odd.) 地図 or chizu means map. (huh... Kanji: ground and drawing. Cool!) 父 or chichi means father. For some reason, that's always been easy to remember. :P 茶色 or chairo means brown. (Kanji: tea and color. Makes sense.) 茶わん or chawan means rice bowl or teacup. 中 or chuu means middle, average, or medium. 丁度 or choudo means just or right. 一寸 or chotto means just a minute, just a little, rather, or hey! 台 or dai means counter for machines, a stand, or a rack. 大学 or daigaku is university. (Kanji: big and learning. :P) 大使館 or taishikan means embassy. 大丈夫 or daijoubu means OK, safe, or all right. 大好き or daisuki means loveable or like very much. 大切 or taisetsu means important. 大抵 or taitei means mostly or probably. 台所 or daidokoro means kitchen. 大変 or taihen means very, greatly, immence, enormous, great, serious, grave, dreadful, difficult. (Has lots of meanings.) 高い or takai means tall, high, or expensive. 沢山 or dakusan means much, many, or alot. Takushii is taxi. (Sounds funny.) 達 or tachi pluralizes a suffix, especially for people and animals. 建物 or tatemono means building. 楽しい or tanoshii means enjoyable or fun. 煙草 or tobako means tobacco or cigarettes. (The only word, I think, on the list that the katakana has a kanji form. Katakana is for foreign words and company names.) 多分 or tabun means perhaps or probably. 食べ物 or tabemono means food. 食べる or taberu is the verb to eat. 卵 or tamago means egg. (Looks kind of like eggs to me. :P)

I watched the next episode of Hetalia. They started with showing the G8 conference, they couldn't remember who they were missing, so they went through each country. Eventually, Canada shows up saying I'm sorry I'm late. They turn to him and ask who are you. So, sad, no one remembers who Canada is. Greece and France meet in the Greek ruins of Athens. Greece was trying to excavate the Olympic ruins. After hearing that the men that participated in it were naked, France immediately suggested having the first modern Olympics. It was held on April 6th, 1896 in Athens. Cuba mistakes Canada for America, and beats him up. All the while Canada is saying "maple". ^_^

In Mai- HiME, Mikoto has a brother, I think, named Miroku. She's been searching for him every night. Another HiME named Nao shows up. She becomes friends with Mikoto. Midori was in college, so she must be older than 17. Plus, she gets drunk while hitting the bars with her friend who's the school nurse. Takumi's roommate for a while looked like a girl, to me, but now they've been using the masculine honorific for him (kun) and he's wearing the men's uniform. Oh, well, I guess he's almost an adrogynous character. Nagi, that weird guy that keeps popping up, shows up again and tells the HiME's that they must not fight each other. Supposedly, if they do, he'll punish them. o_O Reito saves Mikoto at the end, and it almost seemed like she found her brother in him.

For games, I went to Gamershood. They have a new game on there called Roboflu. It's basically a word game. You're supposed to clear the red tiles (computer virus) by making these words. I got to level 15, and only stopped because we went to the grocery store. It's very addicting. ^_^

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