Friday, September 3, 2010

Happy Labor Day Weekend!


Wahoo! A 4-day weekend for some!:dummy:Hope everyone has a great one. Today was beautiful. High 70's and sunny.:iconchibispainplz:The only problem was it was too sunny.:iconromanoplz:Just hard to see where you were going. I slept in today, since I felt horrible last night. Woke up feeling much better, though.:iconchibifinlandplz:So, I needed it. I'm losing a lot of weight.:iconchibipolandplz:Which is great! Something's going right.:iconchibisitalyplz:

Changed my Gaia avatar. I really hated my last one, but didn't know what to switch it to. I think this is a lot better!:iconheroamericaplz:I just went through their shops, bought a bunch of stuff that I liked, and came up with an outfit. Seems a bit more original that way.:iconchibiaustriaplz:Started with the fancy scarf. One of my goldfish died, and it gave this as a present. (Gaia's weird.:iconchibijapanplz:) I liked it, but didn't know what to match it with. A lot of it was really random. A pirate sash, genie top, a tattoo I've had for a while, an 'allstar' skirt, fancy gloves, a cool but expensive head thing, punk boots, and other stuff.:iconenglandispervyplz:I think I like it. I'm still not sure about the hair.:iconpolandplz:

I opened an account on Nico Nico Douga (ニコニコ動画) a couple of days ago. It's like a Japanese Youtube. I understood most of the Japanese, without having to look it up!:iconchibihungaryplz:(I obviously double checked later.) The only problem is you can't share videos with people who don't have an account.:iconwtfukplz:How to fave things is a bit different, but I think I'll get used to it eventually.:iconchibiamericaplz:It's another exciting thing for me!:iconeestiplz:

For Shabbat dinner, Mom made steak, I think with chimichurri sauce. It was good, only she realized later it was a little over cooked. The sides were fresh green beans and grilled corn on the cob. Really good stuff all around.:iconitalyplz:We had apple fritters for dessert. So good!:iconfrancisplz:I think since Dad had off today, and slept in a bit, she might be able to go to services with us!:icondancingrussiaplz:

I mostly did stuff on forums, and got addicted later to a new game. It's made by someone I watch on dA. He had to move the game to another site, because dA wasn't letting people save their games. It's called Epic Battle Fantasy 3 I've played the other 2 before, and I think this one may be the best.:iconseychelles-plz:He's awesome at making these games. Plus, I like his humor in it. Go check it out!:eager:

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