Monday, May 21, 2018

World Baking Day!

This holiday was on Saturday. I wish I was more into baking. Things have to be exact, and then the end result is like magic. Hopefully, in the future I'll at least try to make challah. My mom used to make it every Friday. The house would smell so good! Muffins and cookies are pretty simple to make, but I'd rather get store-bought most of the time. Cool that there is a day for it.

It was also World IBD Day that day. I posted a status on fb with info and my story so far with it. A couple of people liked it, but I feel like not many read it. I also added a frame to my profile pic. I don't think anyone liked it...Apparently, when I took off the frame, a few people liked that one. It felt like they didn't like that I used that frame. It doesn't matter. It's my page, and I can post/change my pic however I want. It's an important awareness day, especially since I have it. Many people wear purple during it, since the awareness ribbon is a light purple. The only purple thing I wore were purple earring studs. It was something. I also posted a few other IBD related things on there. I didn't particularly like the preview image for the video I shared, but it also showed the reality that many go through. It was of a belly that had a stoma bag or J-pouch (I think that was the type shown). Some people have to have those bags if they have their colon removed. It acts like an external colon and collects waste. I'm terrified of having that sort of thing. The probability of people getting it increases the longer they have the disease. It doesn't mean it's definite, just something people should learn a little about. The video showed a lot of the other realities of it in general, and might have been too much for others to watch. People should know, though. Since it's an 'invisible' disease it's often misunderstood. I got a lot more likes on Instagram with posting my framed pic from fb there. Mostly from other people with IBD. I could tell because some were sporting their bags in their profile pics, and some openly said it on their profile. One commented that we're in this together. That was nice.

Saturday night was the start of Shavuot and ends tonight. It's a holiday to celebrate the Torah. It's also called the Feast of Weeks. (Shavuot's lit. 'Weeks'.) People study Torah, the book of Ruth, Talmud, the Mishnah, the Zohar, and more all night long. Some synagogues hold lectures and study groups all night long. It's like a massive study-in. I didn't do that last night or the night before. I don't think it would have been a good thing for me, health-wise, to stay up all night. I forgot about studying at least a little bit. I like that sort of thing. Another custom is to eat a lot of dairy food. I unknowingly followed that. Had a single serving chocolate truffle cheesecake Saturday night. I forgot it was the start of the holiday.

Apparently, Agender Pride Day was on Saturday. I don't think it's an 'official' day, considering there were only a few websites that mentioned it. I only found out when I stumbled upon a frame for it. I found agender related art through Pinterest, and posted it on fb and Instagram. It had the symbol, which is like a 'no' sign, but not tilted. It makes sense since we don't have a gender. There was a dragon holding up the symbol that was in the flag colors. The flag was in the background. I thought it looked cool. It's a 7-striped flag: black, grey, white, green (like a lime green), white, grey, and black. The black and white both represent the absence of gender, grey represents semi-genderless, and green represents non-binary gender. I think the semi-genderless are the demigenders. I guess they're on the spectrum, like aces and aros have spectra. I don't particularly like that type of green. It stands out a little too much. It seems close to the aro flag, too. Agender people fall under the trans, non-binary, and genderqueer umbrellas. Only one person liked it on fb, and a lot more liked it on Instagram. Most of the ones that liked it were trans (a mix of binary and enby ones). They mentioned it on their profile. That's cool. 

It's great that I'm keeping up with blogging during the weekdays. The last time I posted 11 or more times in one month was towards the beginning of 2014. That's a long time. Go back 3 more years, and it was more like my average amount. Hopefully, I can keep this momentum going. 

Rosie seems to be getting more lumps, so I went back to grooming her with the mitt again. She loves it. Last time I eventually forgot about it. It's so cute when I grab the mitt and she comes running towards me. She was eating Saturday, mid-bite noticed I was putting it on, then ran to me with a few pieces of food falling out of her mouth. She loves it more than food...This time I've decided to go over her lumps with the mitt until she starts to walk away. That way I can work more on getting rid of them. I kept thinking I was going to make her sore, but she stayed with me for a while the last couple of times. A lot of hair is being lifted, at least. Overall her coat looks and feels much nicer. I think the bumps are very slowly softening and coming out. It's going to take a long time until they're gone. Tasha has never had this problem and she's a couple of years older than Rosie. Plus, she has long fur. Rosie doesn't. She is slimmer than Rosie, but it still is weird. 

Wrote more of Alliance 3. Got more than I thought I would done. Looked more at cookbooks to get a feel for how I want the cookbook. I think I'm going to keep it the way it is. It's clean and easy to read. I also brainstormed ideas for a title. Ended up with 6 possibilities: Our Family's Classic Recipes Cookbook, Mom's Treasure Trove of Recipes Cookbook, Recipes From a Photo Album Cookbook, A Time Capsule of a Cookbook, 35 Years of Family Recipes Cookbook, Mom's Collection of Recipes Cookbook. I probably could take 'cookbook' out of the title I pick, too. I'm just unsure about them. I thought I should decide on a title before I move on. Once I do that, I'll start formatting it for the ebook and then the paperback. Things are moving quicker than I expected with this part of the process. I have plenty of pics to choose from for the cover. 

Finished a German future tense lesson, and started a sports one. I didn't miss as many as I thought I would with the future one. The sports one has been interesting. It's also about hobbies. 

Kuroshitsuji or Black Butler's manga had an update. The chapter was short, but at least it moved on from that really long flashback. The flashback was important, but seemed to go on for too long. It explained what really happened to the Ciel we know and his identical twin. The Ciel we know hasn't revealed his true name. He was just referred to as a 'spare' in the flashback. His twin was the real Ciel. They both went through hell and the real Ciel died. With his death, Sebastian showed up and 'our' Ciel entered a contract with him. They burned the place down. Yet, presently, the real one looks very much alive. Apparently, Undertaker brought him back to life. Now, we're not sure if the contract is void if the one that gave up his soul in order to summon Sebastian is alive. That's a big twist. The Undertaker said he did it because he didn't want the Phantomhive bloodline to end with 'our' Ciel. With the contract, it ends with Sebastian eating his soul once his revenge is complete. So, he's already destined to die sooner. I'd like to think he would figure out a way to get out of that, though. He's smart enough. It's unclear what Undertaker's relationship is to the family. There has been hints that he might have been a lover of Ciel's grandmother. Not much else to go on. I wish there was more revealed in this one. I just have to wait another month or 2 to see what happens next...

For cleaning, I mostly did miscellaneous stuff. Things like laundry, taking the garbage/recycling back from the curb, hand washing my eye mask and its bag, cat stuff, etc. Hopefully, tomorrow I can get to dusting more of my room. 

Since my gut hasn't been great, I'm trying to go easy on it today. Thinking about making udon with a mushroom broth. I hate whole or sliced big mushrooms, but I like the taste and sometimes can have them chopped up fine. It's a texture thing. It doesn't actually have mushrooms, just stuff to make it taste similar. Apparently, after looking at the package, they mainly use sardines for the seasoning. I don't normally use seasoning packets for any sort of instant noodles, because of the salt content. However, this seems like it's lighter on it than some. Plus, I've realized that I sometimes don't get enough salt. Those levels are usually low in blood tests for me. On MyFitnessPal, I often don't make it to the recommended amount. So, it's probably ok. Just having the udon and broth would be best on my stomach, I think. I was thinking about adding some old duck bacon, but was weary of it. There's cherry pie, too. That might be soothing. 

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