Wednesday, May 30, 2018

16th of Sivan

I've felt even more sick today than yesterday. I'm starting to wonder if I have a new trigger food. I felt weird the next day when I had a hot dog a while ago, and I had a hot dog for dinner last night. I know that beef summer sausage is a trigger, but it would suck if it was all types of sausage. I love sausage. (Of course the ones without pork.) So, if it's true, I'll have to eliminate another thing I love...It was hard enough with spicy food. Or, it could have been the unusually sour grapes we got recently. I've been eating those as part of my evening snack. (Last meal of the day.) That might be a bigger possibility. Or, maybe it's not food related. 

Either way, today I've felt really sluggish, warm (not quite fever territory), more drained than usual, sleepy (despite sleeping in), more nauseous than usual, like something is trapped in my chest, abdomen is full (not really bloated, just a very full feeling all over), and an odd achey feeling all over my abdomen as well. Maybe I'm just sick today, and it was starting yesterday. 

Since I slept in, I didn't get to a lot of things. Went through pics relating to what I've made from the cookbook. I've apparently only made Passover stuff from it. There were a couple pics I found that weren't related to the cookbook, but might look good if the others don't work out. I might use the almond and cream torte, popovers, granola, something I got at a cafe, or of my shower curtain. The torte looks somewhat blurry, but I'll see what I can do with it. It looks nice and fancy other than that. 2 of the popover pics have interesting different perspectives. The granola one I found looks good, too. The cafe one was one of my better food pics. It would look interesting on a cookbook. The curtains I thought would be a good background thing if the others don't work out. It seems to go with the 'treasure' theme to me, too. Except for the torte, everything was taken with my phone. My phone takes much better pics than the camera from before. I've also had a bit more practice with it. Next time, I'll go through these pics and see what works best for the cover. I can't tell just from looking at them, at the moment, which one's best. 

Managed to get most of the miscellaneous cleaning done. Didn't get to dusting my room. Tried to groom Rosie, but she walked away after just a couple swipes with the mitt. She later begged me for it again, but I refused. 

Watched Saiki Kusuo last night. This time they introduced another new character. He loves to talk, and does it fast. Apparently it's his shtick. The odd thing is the characters normally speak quickly, and they even mentioned that they've gotten complaints about that in the episode. However, this new character somehow talks even faster. So fast, I started to tune him out both with listening and reading the subs. I think that's the effect they wanted. He apparently is convinced that Kusuo is psychic. It's true, but he doesn't want people who aren't psychic to know. There are added layers of annoyance with that and him desparately searching for 'evidence'. Kusuo's brother actually did something nice and created a robotic cat. Their mother is allergic to cats but loves them, so he thought that would be a good solution. The only issue is it's in a different art style than the real ones are. It's a little creepy. One of the real cats was super creeped out about it and tried to be the better cat. He lost horribly. 

Black Clover had the captain, Yami, of the Black Bulls fight for the first time. He uses dark magic, and he was up against a powerful light magic user. Yami's not only powerful magic-wise, but also physically. He tried to teach Asta more of the physical stuff while he was fighting (things like relying on all your senses at once; not just hearing, sight, etc.), since Asta doesn't have magic. He wasn't sure Asta would actually get it, but he did. Apparently, Yami said he comes from the 'Land of the Rising Sun'. So he's a foreigner (in relation to where they are located in the story), and it sounded like he was referencing Japan. Not just with what he called it, but also what he used to wear and talks about things like Bushido. People seem to think of him as a wild card. He chooses the most eccentric candidates for his squad, too. People that would have been looked over. He often threatens to kill people (including fellow members of his own squad) if he doesn't like what he hears, or if they wake him up. 

For One Piece, they revealed why Sanji left. He was forced into an arranged marriage by Big Mom and his assassin father. He was given an invitation to it, Big Mom had something on him, and he couldn't refuse to go. So, he was captured. Luffy decided that they'd get him back by finding Big Mom herself. They met Cat Viper. He reminds me of Garfield, and I think he's supposed to be an homage to him. He's big, fat, orange and yellow, somewhat lazy, would prefer to play half the time, and loves lasagna. 

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