Wednesday, June 6, 2018

23rd of Sivan

Figured out the pricing for both versions of the cookbook. The ebook cookbooks seemed so much more expensive than most 'regular' ones. I know that you get more out of cookbooks than regular books, but it was surprising. I don't think I'll ever set my ebook prices in the mid-teens, and that was about average. It's insane, considering we can get up to 70% in royalties with those. If you want it to be in the 'select' program, you have to set it to that. Otherwise, there's the option of setting it to 35%. Different than what it is for paperback. I decided the ebook would be $5.99. Not too bad, considering. I didn't want to cheapen myself. It's the most expensive ebook of the ones I've published so far. I was surprised by the fact that the majority of cookbooks on there seem diet related. Very few 'regular' ones. Maybe it gives mine more of a chance. There were very few cookbooks in general on there compared to other categories. 

Decided that the paperback will be $14.99. Same price as my memoir's paperback, and much cheaper than most paperback versions of the cookbooks on there. There's a smaller percentage of author royalties for paperbacks. Most of the price goes to Amazon for the labor of printing, putting it together, and sending it out. Understandable that they'd need a larger share for that stuff. There's also a set minimum calculated by them for how much they'll need to make it happen. The amount of pages, size, page color (white or cream), cover, type of cover (glossy or matte), etc. are factored in. I think it'll be over that minimum. It's not like it's a huge book. 

Filled out the publishing forms and submitted the ebook version. Apparently, they found no spelling/formatting errors. I thought they would find at least one thing. That's great! It was cool to preview it. Especially seeing the cover there. I think it turned out well. They say that it'll take up to 72 hours to approve and fully publish it. I think it took a lot less time than that last time. Should be interesting to see how it does. I'll fill out the publishing forms and submit the paperback next time. That one has a few more things to it. 

For German, I finished the Abstract Objects 4 lesson. It was another long one. About 10 parts. A bit more difficult than usual, too. I only missed 3 questions. I think the next one is on more pronouns. The one after that is classical music. That's interesting to throw in there. There are only 3 more after that. 

Tried the Italian 5-cheese blend sandwich slices. I'm not sure if I like it. It's smellier and more intense than I expected. I don't usually like when it's like that. Each cheese by itself doesn't seem all that smelly or intense, but I guess if you put them together it's different? Tried it first in a chicken sandwich with mustard yesterday. Today it was the same except with tartar sauce instead of mustard. It was better. Maybe creamy sauces are best with it? 

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