Friday, December 13, 2019

15th of Kislev

Today, I finished the About Me and Phrases 3 units, and started the Body one in Duolingo's Scottish Gaelic course. I'm starting to get the hang of how they say things. A lot of the words aren't pronounced the way they appear. Some letters turn silent, some turn into ph/f or v sounds, de sometimes is pronounced as je (or something similar), e can sometimes be like ye, and it seems some words add a letter that's not written. Like, Alba, which means Scotland. It has an 'ah' sound between the l and b. There are patterns that I'm seeing, though. Makes it more interesting. At the end, I was at 6th place in the Emerald League. They seem to be more with it in this one. It'll be interesting to see where I land on there at the end of the weekend. 

I finished shading the drawing of Junko on Wednesday, then posted it to deviantART and Instagram. I think she turned out better than Shadow. Surprised someone put it in their fave collection on dA, and quite a few people liked it on Instagram. I started looking at design ideas for Vincent yesterday. Found some hairstyle examples and hair color codes. Today, I looked at eye shapes and sizes. Next, I'll look at eye color codes. I'm doing a similar thing, but more detailed, of what I did with Junko. Made a separate 'notes' doc on my phone, then find and copy/paste pics of examples or tips on drawing certain features (divided by category) to it. It's like a special character sheet for him. I didn't look at color codes for Junko beforehand. This way I might already have an idea for that long before I start coloring. Looking at some of these examples and how-tos, I feel like I'm learning more about it, which is a nice plus. 

Today, I finished editing Paralysis from Sweet Endless Terror. It was 11 pages of the ebook, and 29 of the print. There's only one more story left. 

I apparently pushed myself too much with doing 2 2-mile walks a day. Had to stop to rest a little after Monday. My feet were on fire, and something was going on with my back. Both of which have only started to improve greatly today. Maybe I'll try the 1 a day thing again? I really want to get back to it. Not only that, but my cold symptoms have intensified. Had a hard time sleeping last night because of the coughing and feeling like stuff was stuck in my throat. Cough drops didn't help. I've had this 'cold' for a month now. (I don't think I've ever had a cold that lasted this long.) Trying to force myself to do those walks might have made those symptoms worse, too...

Recently there was an executive order that sparked a conversation on whether Judaism is a nationality. Judaism is many things, but it's certainly not a nationality. Like I've read from some comments, Judaism doesn't really fall under what the modern Western concept of religion is. It's more. It is a religion. It is a culture. There are many ethnic groups under the umbrella. For example, Ashkenazi have ancestry of Jews from Germany (Ashkenazi lit. means Germany) and eastern Europe. Sephardi come from Jews that came from Spain (lit. means Spain) and the Mediterranean. There are Kaifeng Jews (from China), the B'nei Manashe (from India), Ethiopian Jews, Mizrachi (from the Middle East), etc. Lots of groups from around the world. Each one has their own 'flavor' to traditions, customs, and foods. Even to how some speak the prayers in Hebrew. Plus, some ethnic groups created their own languages based on Hebrew and common languages around them. Like, Yiddish and Ladino. There are different diet restrictions for Passover. Some Sephardim (plural) make fun of Ashkenazim with how much stricter we are. It's also a philosophy. We've had many famous philosophers in the past. We're taught to question everything, which might be why many of us are scientists, too. We don't have a blind faith. There are even atheist Jews. Some are even Orthodox. There's mysticism, Kabbalah, (not everyone is into it) we even have certain ways to meditate, and something similar to yoga as well (not exactly and not as well known). There are many different branches of Judaism depending on observance and certain values. I'm a Reform Jew, and within that observance can vary greatly. It's basically what makes sense to you, and rationalizing things more. (There are core concepts that we agree on.)  Also, we're very into social justice and tikkun olam or 'repairing the world'. Some branches aren't into that or interpret tikkun olam differently. I have thought about being Modern Orthodox. I feel a little in line with them, as well. Not completely, and I can't really be as observant as they are, but there are some things that 'speak' to me. There's also a culinary tradition to Judaism. There's just so much to it. 

So, yeah, technically the religion category doesn't really fit. However, it is not a nationality. My nationality is American. I could say my ethnicity is half Ashkenazi and the other half mostly Celtic. That would be accurate. If it's deemed as a nationality, it hearkens back to the Nazis and Russia when they declared it a race/nationality, and therefore they were not true citizens of the countries they were from. The dual loyalty idea came out of this, too. Really freaking scary stuff. I needed to write about this somewhere. A facebook status didn't seem quite right, but on my own blog seems perfect. 


Hataraku Saibou (Cells at Work):

Zombieland Saga:

Boku no (My) Hero Academia:

One Piece:

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