Wow! It's already the 2nd day. We didn't put up a sukkah this year, but the weather has been a bit odd, so not the best time to sit in it anyways. Couldn't attend the synagogue's Sukkot thing Wednesday night. I might be able to go to a singles' sushi night under a sukkah on Monday. So, there's a possibility I'll have at least one opportunity to be inside one.
Sukkot's a harvest holiday that lasts for 8 days. Sukkot is the plural form of sukkah or 'booth'. A sukkah is a temporary structure, reminding us of the temporary dwellings our ancestors lived in for 40 years in the desert. We usually at least eat all our meals inside it. People are encouraged to spend as much time as they can in it. Some even sleep in it, kind of like they're camping. I want to try that in the future sometime...The most amount of 'walls' you can have covered is 3 out of the 4. (Can't have it entirely 'walled' off.) We usually have a wooden frame around ours, and cover 3 of the walls with a wooden lattice. Usually, we have a 'roof' made out of some plant materials, like large tree branches with leaves. (One year we had corn stalks on top, as well.) It can't be entirely covered on top, since you have to be able to see the stars. A lot of people decorate it with dried fall vegetables, artwork, fruits, vines, flowers, pine cones, etc. It can be a lot of fun.
After this holiday, there's another one called Simchat Torah. It marks the conclusion of one and the beginning of another annual cycle of readings from the Torah. (It lit. means "Rejoicing in the Torah".) Another great holiday. There's dancing, singing, candy, schnapps for adults, it's unraveled across the room, etc.
I felt really horrendous late Tuesday night, while we were at Shari's after the support group meeting.Suddenly, I had massive pain in the upper left part of my back, stomach was kind of fiery, and weird sharp pains on my sides. I tried to act like nothing was going on while I was there. It felt like it was only getting worse by the time we got home, but I really thought I could 'sleep' it off. I felt better once I was in bed. Still felt horrible in the morning, though.
So, that morning I had to cancel my therapy appointment, and didn't go to a support group I was hoping to go to. (One that really would have been very relevant to my viewpoint. The others help, but there aren't that many allies in those groups.) I slept in for a while. Felt slightly better, but not the best. Now, I'm feeling much better.Still have a slightly weird metallic aftertaste in my mouth, but the 'fire' has died down, and the sharp pains are gone. Head still slightly foggy, but it's better than it was. I don't really know what I had, maybe it was some sort of weird bug.It felt slightly like the flu, at least the head stuff and feeling very nauseous. (Had a huge urge to throw up most of the time, as well.)
One good thing I might go to is that Jewish singles' sushi night on Monday. Sounds very interesting. Get to learn how to make sushi while inside a sukkah, and might get to know some other Jews at least. It'd be really nice if I get together with someone through it, but it'll still be nice if I just end up seeing other Jews my age and make some friends.I should probably go to more of these Jewish singles' nights. I guess I'll check it out first. The online dating thing hasn't really panned out for me...So many weird guys on the free sites. (Plus, not very many of them are Jewish. Not a requirement, but it'd be a huge plus for me. And, makes things easier.) Can't afford the other sites.
Yom Kippur was pretty good. I didn't really like the guest rabbi too much. He seemed very timid, quiet, nervous, etc. It was hard to hear him at times, because of how quiet he was. I understood his viewpoints, but didn't particularly agree with them. Which is fine, but something seemed off. Oh well, it was nice to see someone new at least.
After some debating with myself, I decided to stay for all the day stuff. I only observed the yoga stuff from afar, since not only is it not my thing, I wasn't in the proper clothes for it. I ate my lunch outside at a picnic table in the synagogue's garden, which I didn't realize was there before. I was worried I would bother people, but I didn't. I'm exempt from fasting, because I have meds I absolutely have to take. (And those meds have to be with meals.) They say if someone like me does fast, it's considered a sin. I still feel a bit guilty about it, though. It was beautiful outside. Took a walk down to a plant nursery after lunch, and looked at the interesting plants and garden sculptures they had. I'm surprised there were 2 discussion groups. Usually, it's just one, but we talk about the topic until it's exhausted. This time it was oddly done. The break-the-fast had really weird food. The desserts especially. But, at least there was something. Havdalah was weird, too. The rabbi did a 'silent' one. Part of what I like about havdalah is the singing.Got to chat more with people I don't normally see. That was nice.
I was planning to do 85 sit-ups twice a day this week. When I felt sick, I decided to give it a rest until I felt better. Wouldn't want to make myself actually throw up, or pass out halfway, or do something weird.Wanted some comfort food, so I haven't really been following my way of eating since I got sick either. I figure it's ok for a short period of time. As long as I get back to it as soon as I feel better. Haven't walked much either. I might do one of my walks tonight. We'll see...Have to get back into it.
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