Tuesday, September 4, 2018

National Gyro Day!

This holiday was actually on Saturday. I love Gyros! The meat is usually beef, a mix of beef and lamb, or chicken. It’s makes for a great pita sandwich.
This is my wallpaper for September. It's Hibari Kyoya from Hitman Reborn. I did use it a few years ago around this time of year. I think it fits the theme of the High Holy Days the most out of all my wallpapers. With a lit. reflection of himself (it's a time of reflecting on the previous year), seeing himself (a time of introspection and thinking about how to better ourselves for the coming year), and somber expression (it's both a happy and somber/serious time). Although, that's pretty much his normal expression. 

On the regular calendar, this year the HHD start the night of September 9th and go until sunset on the 19th. They're on the same dates every year on the Jewish calendar. 1st of Tishri until the 10th. It's just that the Jewish calendar is lunar. With this coming Rosh Hashanah, the year will be 5779 on our calendar. HHD begins with Rosh Hashanah or our New Year, and ends with Yom Kippur or the Day of Atonement. 

The month-long holidays for September are: National Biscuit Month, National Chicken Month, National Honey Month, National Potato Month, National Rice Month, National Cheese Month, National Piano Month. Some are for important causes, some are to make you appreciate things you may take for granted, and some are just for fun. I love all those food related ones! Interesting that it's National Honey Month, considering we have quite a bit of it for Rosh Hashanah. It symbolizes a sweet new year, along with apples and other sweets. 

I upgraded my phone to an iPhone X on Sunday. I wasn’t sure if it was doable yet. I had (still have, but not using now) an iPhone 5c. The 4th anniversary of it was several days ago. (According to facebook.) Doesn’t seem like that long. It was my first smart phone ever. I had a flip-phone before that. I can’t imagine life without a smart phone now. It’s amazing! Like a mini powerful computer. 

My old iPhone had just 16 gb of storage. They don’t make them that small anymore. The new one has 64 gb. So much! Nice, but not sure if I’ll ever fill it up. That’s probably a good thing. The screen on the new one takes up most of the phone, which is quite different compared to the other one. It’s a much bigger phone, too. The keyboard seems bigger and more spread out, which is better. It doesn’t have that lag if I type quickly, as well. It runs faster in general. It also has a much better and fancier camera. I can tinker more with that. I love taking pics, so that’s nice. 

There are few downsides that I’m noticing. If you don’t have wireless earbuds/headphones, you can’t plug the earbuds (it comes with) in and charge it at the same time. They share a port (I think that’s the right word..). However, the battery life is much better than my previous phone. That one wasn’t too bad until just a few months ago. 

Going out of home and looking at apps that are open, closing them out, and going back to home is not as intuitive to me on the new one. Before, you just pressed the home button. Pressing it 2 times for going to the open apps, and one for going back to home. If you wanted to close apps you just flicked them away with your finger. In this one, you drag things up a little and pause with your finger to get to apps that are open. Drag your finger straight up, and you go back to home if in an app or from the lock screen. For closing out apps, you have to press the ‘cards’ for a bit, then you tap the minuses that show up. Maybe I’m just not used to that. I liked the home button. 

Some of my old apps aren’t working well on the new phone. MyColitis won’t even open. They’re all up to date, but I know some of them aren’t compatible with newer phones. So, I’ll have to replace some of them like the MyColitis app. Sad. 

I'm still really amazed by it. It has augmented reality, so that will be fun in the future. The visuals and sound are much better, too. Opening it by just showing my face is interesting. It was annoying at first, but I am getting used to it. 

I was recently harassed by another guy. I mentioned this on fb, but not here. He was rather tall, and it seemed like he was with his wife and kids. This was at the same Safeway as the last 'incident'. The first one was roughly a month ago. Two guys went up to me and hassled me in the parking garage. This time the guy stopped me in the store and was really loud about it. With both incidents they talked about how much they loved my hair, wanted it, and liked how bouncy it was. The most recent one added that it was so 'wild'. I stopped listening to him at one point, smiled, murmured a thank you, and quickly walked to where I was going. First, no one should be treated like this. It was kind of implied that they thought I was a woman, which adds a special layer to it when you're not. Second, why are they so fixated on my hair? Do they want to rip it off my scalp? What's the point? It's not a normal thing for me. So, it's also got me thinking that they're picking up on something that I changed recently. With the first incident, my hair was the same state it's been for a while. With this second one, I have been taking much better care of my hair. That shouldn't mean that I should be subjected to that, though. Why was I harassed by 2 guys before that? Weird vibes I'm sending out maybe? 

I have been trying to be healthier overall lately. I've been showering more often, too. Unless I want my skin issues to act up, I can't take one everyday or go without for a while. The perfect amount of time is every other day. My skin is much more healthy looking and feeling this way. I think my eczema was starting to really come back with a vengeance before I went back to doing it more often. I also have a weird genetic 'disease' that acts up, and my skin's super sensitive. Wahoo! In order to have healthy skin, I have to be balanced and do it on a more regular basis. The best time to wash my hair is once every 3 days. That's a while in between. Most of the time, it's not in sync with my regular showers. If I wait for longer in between, like I was doing, it gets severely damaged, increases in volume, there's a lot more dandruff, and it becomes frizzy. It develops a layer of lighter hair on top that's brittle and dry, too. If it's every day (or every other), it gets super dry and frizzy, as well. With doing it as often as I'm supposed to, it keeps its style, is nice and soft, tamer, smells nice, and more.

I've also been trying to keep track of my exercise throughout the day on MyFitnessPal lately. I'm amazed by how many calories I burn just on big laundry days. Yesterday, I burned 1228 calories. Most of my calorie intake for the day. Only about 300 left. This was taking into account how often I went up/down stairs, minutes cooking, taking in the garbage bin, what's involved with my big laundry days (moving clothes around, running up/down stairs with them, taking my bed linens apart and putting them back on, etc.), playing my clarinet for an hour, doing my other cleaning, etc. It adds up. 

I've started doing sit-ups again. Haven't done them in a few years. It was pretty much as soon as I first felt the colitis symptoms. I'm starting with 5 in the morning and 5 at night. I'll add 5 to both each week, like before. The most I had gotten to before was 95 each. It was kind of disappointing that I wasn't able to make it to 100 each. It'll be interesting to beat that. I think it's best to start small with it, like last time. That way I can ease into doing a lot more. 

I also want to get back into walking regularly. Haven't gotten to it yet this week, since I've been distracted every time. I'm determined to get to it tomorrow. I hope to increase those walks over time, too. Right now, I'll do one 2-mile walk after dinner. Maybe if I can keep it up for a month (every single day), I'll add another 2-mile walk after breakfast. There was a brief time that I managed to do 3 of those. One in the morning, one after snack, one after dinner. Each time there was a different atmosphere outside. The night one is supposed to be around sunset to motivate me. At least, it was at first. The morning one was close to the sun rising. Maybe I'll work my way up to more than 3 of them. However, that might take up too big of a chunk of the day. I might add in running up/down stairs in consecutive sets, as well. Starting with 3 sets of 3. (Go up/down 3 times, rest, 3 times again, etc.) I didn't do that before. All this might make me lose weight even quicker. That's ok. I'm most likely not at the norm weight range yet. Might be close. I'll be physically more fit, which would be good. I won't be caring about how much I'm losing, unless I clearly am skinnier than I should be. It's not about weight loss for me. 

Finished the HelloChinese course. Started Duolingo's Russian course yesterday. I took Russian in college and loved it. Some of it is coming back to me. I don't like that Duolingo doesn't really go over the alphabet. I guess they just expect people to pick it up from the exercises. I looked at a wiki article on the alphabet, and that alone brought back memories. It's overwhelming to see when you haven't gone over it for so long. I now have a Russian keyboard on my phone so I could write out the sentences on Duolingo. That's been interesting to look at. Some of the letters are borrowed from Greek, however most seem to be unique. I remember feeling like Russian as a whole was truly more like a puzzle than the other languages I've studied. Should be interesting to go through their course.

Finished Anjaan on Netflix recently. They ended it on too much of a cliffhanger. I hope Netflix gets the rest of it. Went back to watching Hinterland. It's a Welsh detective series. I remember watching a couple of episodes in the past, but when I went back to it Netflix said that I only watched the first episode. Watched half of the 2nd one yesterday, and it looked familiar. That's ok. It'll get me oriented again with it. Each episode is roughly 90 minutes long. Longer than most shows I watch. There are only 13 episodes in total, though. 

Finished watching Isekai Shokudou or Restaurant to Another World. It was pretty good. The food looked amazing! Better than food in real life. The animation was high quality, too. The fantasy side to it was quite interesting. Their dragons seemed different than most. It was interesting how much they focused on them. Essentially, 2 dragons guard the restaurant in the other world as if it were one of their treasures. The darkness-based dragon became a waitress in order to watch over it directly. (The fire one tries to watch over it from afar, although she does order a lot of curry for takeout.) She was curious at first, since she lives in space. Humans would die when she was around, hence the reason she decided to isolate herself. Like the other dragons, she can transform and appear elf-like. When the dragons normally do this, they prefer to be naked. They can make clothes seemingly out of thin air. She was forced to do this during her first visit right away. She tends to speak telepathically, but was working on physically speaking through her mouth. This scared the customers at first. They seem more like aliens than dragons. Apparently, the chef's great grandmother was a warrior elf in the other world. She suddenly was trapped in our world, and decided to make it her own. She opened a restaurant to welcome people from the other side. Not sure how or why she didn't go back to that world after that. So, the chef has some connection to it. He doesn't have any special powers. He seems to only know that his grandfather and father were the previous chefs. He's just kept it going. After his father passed away, it was mainly just him keeping it going. Then, a demon and that dragon showed up to help and became waitresses. Still don't know how that door to the restaurant from the other world came about. It'd be interesting if there was another season.

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