Monday, August 20, 2018

National Potato Day!

This holiday was yesterday. I absolutely love potatoes! Could probably eat them all day and not get tired of them. There are so many different ways to eat or cook them. I don't think I had any potatoes yesterday, sadly. I should have...

The weather hasn't been great today. It'll be more of the same tomorrow. It's hot and smoky. So smoky, that right now the air quality index is at 165 and in the red. That's unhealthy territory for everyone. Particularly bad for the elderly, kids, people with respiratory issues, and people with other health issues (even difficult for people like me who have IBD). At least the sunlight coming inside is pretty. Again, the smoke is coming from wildfires in Canada, Washington (the state I'm from), Oregon, California, Idaho, and Montana. Wahoo! In the forecast, it seems that Thursday and on will be much cooler and less smoky. (Not sure if they expect the smoke to completely lift by then.) That's a positive light, at least. 

I've still been sticking to my 'diet' plan. Although I wanted Saturday and Sunday to be my treat days, I didn't reach my 'goal' for calories those days. I got to the high end of my 'normal' days at least. It amazes me how long some things last while eating this way. Like the muesli I got from Ikea seems only half empty. I've been having it for breakfast during the week, and switching to my normal cereal (Cinnamon Toast Crunch) during the weekend. Still have quite a bit of my regular cereal too, and that box is older. The bag of honey mustard and onion pretzel pieces seems endless, too. I've had that one for a while, and have had it for most of my afternoon snacks. Fruit lasts quite a while, as well. (Going by portion sizes/calories.) The only problem with that is that fruit goes bad pretty quickly. The other stuff can be fine for a while. 

I decided to do stair climbing at home inside, because of the awful air and heat outside. We have a full flight of stairs, so that's handy. I did 3 'sets' of running up and down those stairs 3 times yesterday. It got my heart racing. Quite a workout with just that. According to MyFitnessPal, I burned 163 calories with this. More than I thought. I also didn't realize that stair climbing is apparently a thing. Some people swear that it's the best exercise. Interesting reading about it. Maybe I'll keep it up even when I get back to walking. 

I've also been keeping track of my 'exercise' today on MyFitnessPal. Today's a bit different than usual, considering it's a big laundry day. (Plus, styling my hair...) So far I've burned 704 calories. More than I thought I would be at this point. Just playing my clarinet for an hour burned 145 calories. Cooking/prepping food, light cleaning, running up/down stairs, etc. are all possible entries on there and counted towards it. 

Studied more Chinese today. The training game today was on listening. They featured some traditional Chinese opera masks. That was cool to see. I think it was the first time I played this one. They say a word, and you choose the correct answer then drag it onto the other half of the mask. I didn't miss any of them. I stopped at the 2nd lesson in the In the Office unit. I only have 4 more units after this one. There's still some other parts of it that I haven't finished. I might study Russian after I finish this course. I loved studying it in college. I'm interested in so many more languages. Hopefully, Duolingo will be better with Russian. 

Played my clarinet for a full hour today. I'm happy I can do it for that long now. I played better than I thought I would. Still made some mistakes, but that's to be expected. Also, realized that I had been playing something incorrectly in the past. Maybe the time away from it made it more 'fresh' for me so I could see it. Today I played more Duke Ellington, Gershwin, and an advanced solo classical music book. The Gershwin one is also rather advanced. I was frustrated at times, but got through them. Rosie sat super close to me on the bed. I normally put my chair flush to the bed. It's not like I actually play it on it. She loved listening to me so much, she fell asleep and started drooling. As soon as I stopped, she looked at me as if to say: "Why did you stop? Keep up the music!" I was pretty loud at times and played high notes, and she still stayed so close...

I don't think I mentioned this, but I finished watching the anime Juuni Taisen or Zodiac Wars. Even though the winner was predictable, there were a lot of twists to it. Since they killed off the zodiac animals in reverse order, my sign won. He had an interesting power. He can live through 99 possible scenarios for every situation. Learning what worked more each time. He ended up being killed 98 times, and we were watching the 99th try. It was no wonder he was so tired. Even after he won the tournament, he died 98 more times while meeting with the one who organized the whole thing. If you refuse to answer his questions, you die either while still in front of him, or just outside of the building. The one who won was just a high school kid. He said he was forced into the tournament. I think he was the only one that wasn't really an assassin or warrior. After surviving and answering the organizer's questions, he was only given a few days to decide on a wish. They can grant any wish. The organizer even said that wish can be for more wishes. Going through 98 different possible wishes, he felt like he was going crazy. Eventually, he just wished that he'd forget about the whole thing. So, they erased his memories. I have a feeling that he may have dreamt the whole thing up. His 'world' seemed different compared to the others. I like that it was a very psychological one. It messed with the audience quite a bit. There are a lot of mixed reviews of it. Most people either love it or hate it. I liked it. Not the best, but it was good. Some people commented that it should have had more episodes. Well, they stuck to the zodiac theme and there were 12 of them. It wouldn't make sense that way to make it longer. I had hoped that they would have done more of a background on the rabbit and ox. There wasn't anything on the rabbit really, and he was the biggest and most ruthless killer. We only knew he was 'crazy' and a necromancer. Oh, and he really wanted friends. That's not much to go on. There was a little on the ox when they went through the tiger's background, but not much.

The anime Shiyan Pin Jiating's ending was disappointing. It was pretty good and very interesting. I watched most of it with the Chinese dub. It's actually based on a Chinese comic or manhua, and the anime is a collab between China and Japan. That in itself is interesting. I didn't like that each episode was only about 15 minutes, which is close to half of a regular anime episode. Since I heard the Chinese dub, it was handy while learning the language. The last episode ended way too soon. It seemed to allude to a 2nd season, but the ending was so abrupt...I don't know. They were finally agreeing to tell the person that was taking care of them about their family. That essentially all but Tannis (or Dennis depending on which version) are lab experiments. One is part spider, her identical twin is part plant (the spider's hair changed color and texture after transforming, so she looks different), one of them is part dog, and the last one is a psychic. Tannis is considered to be a genius. Most of the last episode was about Tannis convincing the others to go back home with him and try to learn how to live with other humans. The others wanted to live without him at the abandoned lab that was once their home, before their parents abandoned them. They didn't want to be a burden to Tannis anymore. They felt like they were monsters and deserved to fade into the shadows. Anyways, just as they were about to spill the family secret, it cut away. The psychic was overwhelmed with their caretaker's thoughts, and a name popped up that she recognized. Someone that hadn't been mentioned before. Why end it right there? 

Hataraku Saibou (Cells at Work) and Satsuriku no Tenshi (Angels of Slaughter) have both been great. Hataraku Saibou is surprisingly violent, yet very accurate. Accurate for anthropomorphizing cells and their functions. The white blood cells look pretty much like what I'd imagine them being. The most recent episode was on a cancer cell. They actually made us feel sorry for them. Especially when he said things like: "Why was I born?" They made him look kind of cool, but scary. Satsuriku no Tenshi is a horror escape game. All the characters are pretty twisted. Rachel may be the most. I feel bad for Zack. Yes, he's a serial killer, but he had an awful past. Rachel's the one that thinks through clues and such, and Zack protects her, attacks people and things, and does the more physical stuff. They have an agreement that he needs Rachel in order to make it out; and she wants to die but can't do it herself (she thinks it'll go against G-d if she suicides), so Zack promised to kill her once they make it out. She has amnesia, and the only thing she remembers is witnessing a murder, a short therapy session, and her name. I'm not sure why she wants to die so badly. I'm wondering if when her memories come back that'll change. I do remember, at the beginning, she was terrified of dying. What changed that? The more I think about the story so far, the more intrigued I am. 

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