Tuesday, January 8, 2019

2nd of Shevat

I'm trying to stay off of social media for the most part until the weekends, which didn't work out too well last week. Only checking notifications, and posting personal stuff (statuses, pics of my food/cats/places, blog posts, at some point drawings and such on dA, etc.). So far, I'm following it closely this week. Been feeling even better because of it. I'm not even watching TV while I eat. Except, maybe the news at dinner time. I was watching the news every time I ate. There's too much going on, and I end up not focusing on what I'm eating. It's made things go a bit faster. Although, I'm also trying to eat a bit slower. I've been eating too fast lately. This makes my gut not too happy...Even gulping down tea can affect it. I'm less likely to inhale as much air if I sip it. It's recommended for people with IBD to sip drinks and take your time with food. 

I have been experiencing more symptoms of my colitis lately. One that was scary (kind of embarrassing to say it), and haven't had since I was diagnosed. Felt it while out grocery shopping. Made me panic for a moment. Not a good sign. I was ok, but it felt like my body was messing with me. It was like that before, too. 

For Italian today, I finished the Science unit and made it to roughly halfway through the V. Cond. one. The science one was interesting. As expected, many of the new words were similar to their English counterparts, but said quite differently. Some of the sentences have been rather dark. Maybe the people behind the course had a dark sense of humor? I like how in the German one they had the holy potato. There was even a thing about it on Duolingo's fb page. It was cute. These ones haven't really been like that.

I finished reading the manga Alive- The Final Evolution. It seemed to wrap up a little too nicely. Apparently, Taisuke ended up with Megumi. Nami would have been better...Megumi was brainwashed for most of it, and didn't show up much. Nami grew close to him. It didn't seem that Megumi felt much of anything towards Taisuke. At least they saved the world. All the power users had their powers taken away, so they ended up trying to have 'normal' lives. Taisuke lost an arm, and he was in a coma for a while. He was still having trouble with getting used to the prosthetic by the end. Yuuta's trying to figure out why Taisuke didn't just heal himself before their powers were taken. Hirose went with Mitama back to space where her people come from. They just wanted to accelerate human evolution by giving them powers. It didn't go well, though. Mitama decided that they'd just watch how humans evolve on their own. The heavier part of this was the mangaka (creator) did the last few chapters on his deathbed. I didn't know he had died. Those last chapters were more about how he views death, humanity, peace, and what it means to be alive. The last panel was Taisuke saying cheers to the moon, and thinking: I'll continue to live. It sends a different message knowing that's how he ended it, and it was his last piece of work before dying.

I decided to try outlining Shadow's torso and arms this time. His torso doesn't seem right, yet I know it's a rough sketch of it. I might look at my old artist's anatomy book (used to be my grandma's) to get more of a feel for it. I can build on that rough sketch of it, at least. 

Got to practicing my clarinet again. Played a few Irish tunes and mainly klezmer tunes. I actually wasn't too bad this time. Got to editing Alliance, as well. I'm 10 out of 20 chapters in. So much left...

Went for my walk. It was just misty at first, so I thought I could go without an umbrella. Being the true Pacific Northwest person that I am. The rain got much heavier halfway through. It felt good for a while, but than it cooled me down even more than I already was. It was in the low 40s, and my coat's not that warm. (It lost it's lining a while ago.) Still don't regret going out there. My hair wasn't as wet as I thought it was when I got back. Maybe it was really dry and need that? 

Started watching the 2nd season of Fukigen no Mononokean or The Morose Mononokean a couple of days ago. I'm surprised it's back. The 1st season ended 2 years ago. I liked it a lot, and it seemed to start off on the right foot this time, too. 

Started watching the 2nd season of Mob Psycho 100. The 1st also ended 2 years ago. Interesting that they're coming out at the same time. I knew this one would have a sequel for a while. This 1st episode seemed to change between a bunch of different art styles. More than usual. It was kind of cool. I'm glad this one's back, too. One Punch Man, which is created by the same mangaka, will have a 2nd season sometime this spring, I think. So, both of his works' anime versions are coming back. Yay! There are 3 new anime coming out this season that sound pretty good: Tate no Yusha no Nariagari (The Rising of the Shield Hero); Doukyonin wa Hiza, Tokidoki, Atami no Ue (My Housemate is Sometimes on My Lap, Sometimes on My Head) (about a writer and cat); and Grimms Notes. 

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