Thursday, January 17, 2019

National Popcorn Day!

This holiday is actually on Saturday, but I won't be blogging that day. I miss having popcorn so much! It's one of my major trigger foods. It's a common one among IBD patients. If I have it, my belly bloats up with so much gas, I look either like I'm pregnant or swallowed a beach ball. Like many things, it also triggers intestinal cramps, abdominal pain, and more. It's pretty bad for me. Diet for us is mainly about managing these symptoms and trying to prevent them, or at least lessen how often they happen. It has nothing to do with the disease itself, just the byproduct of it essentially. I loved kettle corn. It's popcorn tossed in sugar, salt, and oil. It was one of my faves. So was caramel popcorn. There's a big variety out there. I never was really into eating it at a movie theater. I was more into the movie than eating things. (Tend to eat candy or something before the movie starts.) Plain popcorn is also low in calories. For other people (those who don't have IBD), it's rather healthy. 

There was just my parent, another facilitator, and I at the meeting last night. Not really a meeting. It was nice to talk casually for a bit, though. That other person gave my parent a 'half-birthday' present. She talked about making it last time. She made oatmeal mincemeat (filling for the pie, no actual meat) cookies. There was also homemade mincemeat filling (I think). One of my parent's fave pies is mincemeat pie. It was really nice of her. Pretty tasty, too. 

It was just my parent and I at Shari's afterwards this time. I had biscuits and fruit for my 'snack' part. There was a lot fruit, and even though my teeth aren't hurting as much because of that toothpaste, it was too cold for me. I had a few pieces. It was a cantaloupe, honeydew melon, and orange mix. I think it's seasonal. In the past, it's had grapes and strawberries. The biscuits were great. The raspberry jam was even better. Almost felt like drinking it...For dessert, I had carrot cake. It's super popular, and usually they've run out of it by the time I order it. So, that was a nice surprise. It has one of the lowest calorie count of their desserts. The slice is rather small, too. I was going to have something more substantial, since I wanted it to be a 'treat' meal like my weekend treat days. Didn't feel like much else, though. Maybe next time.

Finished the Subj. Per. unit for Italian on Duolingo. Only 5 more units to go. Tried to outline Shadow's hand better. Next time, I'll look closer at examples. Practiced my clarinet. Played Irish tunes. Seemed better than last time. Got to editing Alliance, too. Managed to get a walk in. This time I did the 2nd loop like yesterday, but the direction I would normally go. It was drizzling out. Not enough to bring my new umbrella. It was cold out, again. 

Read more of Helck. It kind of hurt to see Asuta being tortured so much. However, she's a spy. She acted like she couldn't stand it to get intel, and get her torturer close enough to attack him and take the keys. She's smart and tough. She's been trained in how to get out of worse. It was great to see her get to him. It shocked and terrified him so much that he passed out. 

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