Wednesday, January 16, 2019

10th of Shevat

Almost through with the Subj. Per. unit for Italian. Next one's Business. Tried to outline Shadow's other hand. It's in such a pose, it's more difficult to get down. I'll get it eventually, though. Practiced my clarinet. Played Irish tunes this time. Got as much editing of Alliance done as yesterday. Not too bad. 

Read more of Choujin Gakuen or Supernatural School. A lot of things were revealed this time. They bring up often and poke fun (lightheartedly) at Higan's family situation sometimes. It's been so stressful, he's going bald. His wife divorced him suddenly, and he lost custody of his daughter. He's a cyborg. We finally were introduced to his wife. She's the Prime Minister of Japan. She creates cyborgs, which makes me think she created him. That's kind of...twisted. She seems like a cruel person, too. My guess is she also created Yoshino. They also revealed who the Wisdom Emperor is. Someone that was played off as an extra that Adam occasionally asked for help from. He doesn't serve food, but Adam would always go to his shop and ask him for some along with advice. He'd object, but still give him food. Seemed like an odd relationship. The Wisdom Emperor is considered one of the most powerful characters in their world. More powerful than the demon king. When he was talking to someone else later, he said he owed Adam. Why would he owe him anything? Interesting.

There's a local trans meeting tonight. I decided that my 'walk' for the day will be walking from the car to group and back, then walking from the car to Shari's and back. It'd be something. Hopefully, there's a good amount of people there. I also decided recently that I'll allow myself to have whatever and however much I want when I go to Shari's after group. It'll be like a 'treat' meal, in addition to my weekend treat days. I only go there twice a month. So, it's not often. This way I won't be pressured into having just little bits of things. I'm looking forward to it. 

Black Clover just had a recap episode of what's known of the Midnight Sun. It actually was good to see all of it put together like that. There were some things I forgot. They shouldn't have spent much time on the current stuff, though. 

One Piece had another intense episode. The only thing bad about it was Luffy's fight with Katakuri seems to be really dragging on. He's technically been fighting for several months of episodes now. It's just starting to look like there's an end in sight. I get that they're essentially on equal footing and that's one reason why it feels like it's agonizingly slow. Actually, seems more real this way, and Katakuri's a unique opponent. Katakuri was pissed off that one of his sisters shot Luffy in the leg with a silent paralyzing dart (not sure if it's poisoned). Luffy couldn't react in time, his leg gave out under him, and Katakuri stabbed him with his trident through his abdomen. He wondered why Luffy didn't just dodge it in time, considering he's able to predict his moves now. Once he found out, he stabbed himself with his trident, threw his scarf and trident on the ground, and turned it into a fist fight. He felt his honor was tainted and wanted to have a fair fight with him. I like how they both used King's (I think that's the one) Haki, which made his sister and her minions pass out. Took out the interlopers. Smoothie seems to be catching up with the Straw Hats on their ship. However, I have a feeling she's going to get so big, she'll break her own ship. She can't swim, since she's a devil fruit eater. Her ability seems scary. She can squeeze (or slash with her sword) the essence out of people into a liquid, mummifying them at the same time. If she drinks it, she gets bigger and more powerful. I hope she crashes. Big Mom will soon eat the wedding cake Sanji and the other chefs made. Supposedly it's so good, people pass out just from smelling it. She goes on rampages when she has hunger pangs. She won't stop until she gets exactly what she's craving. This time it's that cake. The original was ruined by the Straw Hats and Bege's crew.  

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