Friday, January 25, 2019

19th of Shevat

Despite feeling sick most of the week, I managed to get most of what I wanted done again. Wahoo! Hopefully, I can get back to walking more next week. 

Ashley gave me another list of 2 gender therapists to try. She said she found them through the Ingersoll resource search. Those 2 were the closest to me. I don't think I've heard of either one. She said she never worked with one of them, and the other used to be in Bellevue. One's in Poulsbo and the other's in Silverdale. Seems like they're closer than the other 2 were, which is great. They're both men. That'll be different for me as far as regular therapy goes. I looked into them through that Ingersoll resource search. I like how they list if the provider is trans, LGBTQ+, how long they've worked with trans people, what insurance they take, etc. Nice to know. The most promising of the 2 is the one in Silverdale. He's worked with trans people for longer, is in the greater community but not trans himself, his staff have been trained in trans related stuff, he has an 'all gender' bathroom, he takes Kaiser Permanente, etc. He also listed that he uses the ICATH model. I had to look it up. It stands for Informed Consent for Access to Trans Health Care. It seems more inclusive than WPATH (World Professional Association for Transgender Health). WPATH standards of care seems to leave out non-binary people. Although, they are getting better about that. I think he'd have to use WPATH as well, in order for me to have any gender-related surgeries. I don't know. I guess I can talk to him about it when I see him. I'll try making an appointment with him on Monday. 

Didn't read all of my primary doc's nurse's email a few days ago. Apparently, she's sending a referral to Digestive Health Consultants in Silverdale. I wasn't sure if she could find some place closer than Tacoma. Silverdale would be great. They also perform colonoscopies and upper endoscopies there. It'd be great to not have to travel far to get a colonoscopy. Why wasn't I sent to them instead of Tacoma before? I did notice that it seems there are only 3 gastros there. Maybe they were too flooded with patients then? Her nurse said I should wait until I get a letter in the mail, which would be roughly a week from when they sent that email. Looks like I'll be making 2 appointments on Monday, if I get it by then.

According to fb, 4 years ago I went to Urgent Care. About a week before that, I started to feel the 1st symptoms of my colitis. I was severely dehydrated by the time I went to UC. Had to have fluids intravenously. They thought I had a nasty stomach flu. I wish that had been the case. I wasn't diagnosed until July of that year. Not knowing until then was terrifying.  

Tweaked Shadow's feet some more. They look more normal. Next week, I'll tackle drawing his clothes. Although, his clothes aren't fancy. I still might try practicing folds in the fabric. I'm getting close to finishing it. 

Played more of the Clarinet Solo book on my clarinet. Today and yesterday, I've been sneezing while playing. That's a weird experience. Hurts, too. I've been slightly short of breath, too. Makes it harder to play. 

Edited more of Alliance. I've gone through 10 pages this week. More than I thought. Especially with cutting the time I spend on it this week by quite a bit. 

Started watching Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari or The Rising of the Shield Hero. I'm unsure about this one. Even more so than Grimms Notes. That 1st episode was 45 minutes long. About twice as long as a regular episode would be. Seemed too long...There was a lot of hype behind it. It's another one of those characters get trapped in a mmorpg world anime. As an example, Log Horizon was a great one. What really threw me off was the fake rape allegation towards the Shield Hero. They didn't need that. Yes, ok, steal from him and come up with something to pin it on him. But, to use that in addition...It almost seemed like the creator was saying that all women steal, lie, betray, and wrongfully accuse men of raping them. They might have been accused in the past. I'm also not liking that he might buy a female slave soon. The slaves there also have a curse where if they disobey their masters, they die. I know he doesn't trust anyone and he needs a party, but this doesn't seem right. I'm willing to give it another chance next week with the next episode. I'm seeing some issues with it already, though. I like the idea that one of the 4 heroes uses a shield as a weapon. The main character hasn't figured out how to use it that way, though.

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