Monday, December 18, 2017

7th Night of Hanukkah!

Just one more night of Hanukkah. The menorahs will look the most impressive on the last night. I forgot to mention yesterday that I got some ear plugs and an eye mask from Amazon recently. In fact, I've only had them for a few days. It's about a 2-year supply of the ear plugs. They seem better than the ones I've used in the past so far. The eye mask is interesting, and I'm still getting used to it. It's black, and the print versions are a lot more expensive. It's made out of silk, so it feels nice on my eyes. I'm not used to the pressure on them, though. It really does block out all light, and when I take it off in the morning, the sunlight in my room is much more intense. I think I've slept a little better since I got both that and the ear plugs. I haven't had a regular night's sleep in close to 2 years, so maybe this is a step in the right direction

AVEN (Asexual Visibility and Education Network) wants to do a piece on my memoir for their January issue of AVENues. It's their bimonthly online magazine. The theme this time is aces in the media. I'm surprised they asked me. I'm a little nervous about an interview, but might agree to it. We'll see. If I don't, they'll use an excerpt of my book and/or just the description with a pic. I'm still mulling it over, but they said they'll give me until mid-January. Exciting, still. Most of the ace community online will know once this is published. 


Kuroshitsuji (Black Butler):
Mob Psycho 100:
Death Note:
Naruto Shippuden:

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