Tuesday, August 20, 2019

National Potato Day!

This holiday was yesterday. I love potatoes! They can be so versatile. Baked, roasted, mashed, as fries, as chips, in stews, in buns, and so much more. 

I ordered my meds recently. One of them, Lialda, was up to be approved for another year of refills. I'm currently using my last refill. All my meds are important, but this one might be keeping my colitis in remission. Pretty serious. I can't just be dropped off it. Got a message from the nurse of the person who first ordered it for me. I haven't seen her in over a year. They said that I needed to see another GI in person (of course in Seattle) in order to have another batch of refills. I wrote back, feeling a little freaked out that I won't be able to get another refill before I finish my current one. I'll run out just a little before the end of the month. I wondered why they couldn't have just asked the last GI I saw, which was only 4 months ago. I didn't like her much or the clinic there, but I'm sure she would have approved. I also brought up how Seattle can be difficult to get to. Tacoma's better, but also a bit of a schlep. I also asked why my primary can't just approve it. She oversees my health in general and she's local. If I told her it wasn't working or something was off, I could see why I'd need to specifically see a GI for that. It just seems odd otherwise. I also know this med was supposed to be temporary until I was able to stick with a GI (that was an MD), and we could try out others that might be better. However, being on a temporary med is better than nothing. I looked later at the status of the Lialda. Turns out they renewed it for another year. I don't know if they did it before or after my email. Gave me a scare, then turned around and just did it. Pissed me off, yet was a huge relief. 

The new TV was put up yesterday. I was distracted by it, but that was to be expected. It's huge! I'm still not used to the size. It's like a giant window. I can read a lot of the text now, and notice more details. It made both my parent and I nauseous at some point. Probably because we weren't used to it. It would be cool to watch some sort of monster movie on it. Maybe like Jurassic Park. Although, I didn't see that on Netflix. Cloverfield might be another good one. That's on there. I actually liked that movie. It'll feel more like a theater, too.

Managed to get some Dutch in today. I think Duolingo changed things slightly again. The illustrations for each unit are actually animated now. Surprised me at first. They've changed the checkpoints and shaded the units in after those. I'm almost done with the Buildings unit. Next will be Future.

Tried to figure out Junko's hairstyle for drawing. The vision I have of her seems to be a blend of a few of the examples I've found. Edited a lot more of Alliance today, as well. I think I'm seeing more of them, because there were so many that I fixed before. It's easier to see those that were harder to pick up on. 

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