Monday, March 18, 2019

11th of Adar II

Decided to make myself go to bed earlier than I have been. I've been tempted to stay up late lately because of the pain. Instead, I can go through the pain in bed while trying to fall asleep...It's better than doing it later, I suppose. I don't want to take the extra strength Tylenol too often, which puts me in a dilemma. Is it bad enough to need it or not? It only keeps the edge off. It's better than nothing, though. I managed to go to bed and get up at a decent time last night/this morning. Yay!

My throat's getting worse, too. More difficult when I lay down. It feels like it's squeezing more now. I've choked on my pills a few times. Not the huge ones (Lialda), but the normal-sized aspirin-shaped pills (Lamotrigine). I guess because they're wider? It tastes nasty when it gets stuck. Feels like there's more stuff in my throat. Not food, just like it's stuffed or something. Takes me a while to eat and drink, which is getting annoying. The 27th feels far away with this thing. (When my upper endoscopy/colonoscopy is.)

Almost done with the 2nd level of Verbs 1 in Duolingo's Korean course. There have been a lot of weird sentences. Like, the animal writes a message, I don't throw my friends, the men fall down together at the library, the cat and dog speak Korean to each other, etc. What's up with most things centered on the library, park, or sea? Makes it interesting, though.

Read more of MAR Omega. Nanashi made an appearance. I remember him from the anime. This takes place after the first manga series (which is what the anime was based on). He's still a thief. They also met the one that was the ref of the tournament before. He has a weird name, and pretty much everyone in his village looks the same. Except for the royalty, who look more like monsters. All their names are similar, too. To me, those creatures look like yoda. Might have been based on him. Fun to see old characters again. Apparently the 'Omega' part is based on a system of the same name. Having all of Babbo's stones will be part of the system that'll give his memories back. 

Finished cleaning up the full-body drawing of Shadow in Photoshop. I'll thin and shape the lines better next time. I already did that with his hair, which turned out interesting. Then, I'll color him in Photoshop, too. Edited more of Alliance. Getting through a lot of it. 

Had corned beef, potatoes, cabbage, spices (from the beef's package) and carrots all boiled together for St. Patrick's Day dinner. My parent made it. It was really good. I usually think of it as like an Irish Heritage Day. Celebrating St. Patrick himself would be weird for me. I'm part Irish, so it's like I get in touch with some of my roots. Even though that dinner is considered an Irish-American one (I've heard not many actual Irish people eat it like that), that also plays into my family background. It's our usual dinner for the holiday. An easily digestible meal, which is good for my gut issues. We sometimes listen to Irish music, I sometimes play them on my clarinet (that would be difficult for me right now), sometimes read Irish poems, etc. during the holiday. Didn't do any of that this year. We did have raisin soda bread for 'dessert'. I usually like the savory kind, but they had a sweet version at Safeway. So, we tried it. It was encrusted with sugar and saltier than usual. It was a bit too sweet and salty for me. Not as dense as usual either. I'll have more to help finish it, though. We do have a savory version as well. So, the good stuff after this sweet one. 

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