Monday, October 29, 2018

National Oatmeal Day!

I used to love oatmeal. For a long time, it was my go to for breakfast. Now, it's just ok. I think I got sick of it. It's really healthy, though. I like putting cinnamon, Splenda, syrup, and raisins in it most of the time. I've also occasionally had it plain with just a touch of salt. It's good in cookies, too.

Someone responded to my intro thread on Susan's Place oddly. They said welcome to a new member and fellow human like themselves, who doesn't know of which gender they 'belong' to. Then, talking about how they related more to girls then what they were 'born as'. That I need to save time and decide soon to start my journey, otherwise I'd waste years of my life like they did. There's a lot to this...I know what my gender is. I'm agender. I don't have a gender. I even mentioned this in the my first post. I'm not confused about it. Also, the use of 'belong' is weird in itself. Was she really saying that I should belong to one of the 2 boxes: male or female? If I don't, then I'm confused or I can't make up my mind? That there are only 2 genders? How very binary of you, or exorsexist or enbyphobic. I wasn't born as a female. I was assigned that at birth. I don't think a newborn truly knows what gender they are themselves. Many people realize early in life, but right after birth? It's not like they could tell the doctor, even if they were aware of it at that time. Anyways, I've always been agender. I couldn't relate gender-wise to either girls or boys. Also, telling me to transition quickly is problematic. What if I want to go at a different speed? Why should I rush it? Transition will look different for me, too. She hasn't responded to my reply yet. Not sure if she will. I felt that I had to speak up for myself on there. There are many with binarist views, and when pointed out by the few enbies on there, they seem dismissive. The other forum that I joined recently, TransPulse, is pretty inactive. I just signed up with an enby forum yesterday, but haven't posted anything or really looked at it yet. It should be a lot better for someone like me. It's sad, though.

Finished Satsuriku no Tenshi or Angel of Slaughter (ONA). I liked it a lot. However, they left the ending very open-ended. Some commented that the game did that, too. There are a lot of theories. I have a couple, but won't bring them up because it'll spoil it. The creepiest characters were the therapist and priest. The therapist fell in love with Rachel and wanted her eyes. She's only 13. He has a fake eye that goes out of place sometimes. The blind priest seems to have been behind it all. He had a really twisted view of who he thought were angels and those that were 'fallen' or witches. Even tried burning Rachel up, accusing her of being a witch. He also uses some sort of mist that makes people hallucinate. He questions Rachel's faith in G-d throughout most of it. I wonder how long Zack was there participating in this 'experiment'. He didn't know about any of the other floors, besides the people there. How many people did Rachel kill before she had amnesia? How did she get amnesia? There's a lot more unanswered questions. I like shows that make you think, though.

Tried using Duolingo on my desktop today. It's quite different than the mobile version. There aren't as many chances to get gems, and there isn't a 'health' circle. Health doesn't seem to matter on there. I could probably get most of them wrong without having to refill it with gems. Takes a lot of the 'game' out of it. They have more speaking exercises, but they only give you 1 chance to say it. They don't let you try again if it's wrong. It seems like there are more cons than pros with the desktop. I'll go back to the mobile version tomorrow. I finished the Household unit, and started the Adject. 1 unit in Italian. The Household one was long. One thing I noticed that might trip me up in the future is 'mobile' is pieces of furniture in Italian. Quite a bit different than the meaning of the English 'mobile'. 

I've decided to edit an entire chapter every time I edit Alliance. Some chapters are rather long. I went through 14 pages today. That's also looking at both the ebook and print versions at the same time. So, if I see an error on one, I have to fix it on the other, too. That eats up more time than if I was just looking at one. Plus, I found a lot of errors. A lot more than expected...At least, it'll turn out much better when I submit it again. I still have to go back through it another time to make sure I found everything. I think I'll rephrase a few things at the beginning, too. If I go through a chapter each time, this stuff will seem to go faster. 

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