Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Camera Day!


Wow! Today's Camera Day! :camera: Sounds kind of random. :icontinoplz: I'm starting to appreciate my digital camera more, so this is kind of nice. I should have taken pictures outside to celebrate!:iconusaplz: Maybe later. It's also Hug Day. I'm not fond of hugging, but I guess it's nice to know someone cares, I guess. :iconchibicanadaplz: It's been pretty cold today. Well, compared to normal. We're supposed to be in 70s. We barely made 60. I tried the deep dish cheese pizza last night. It was pretty good. :iconheroamericaplz: A little sweeter than I'm used to. Also, personally, I guess because most of my family's from New York and New Jersey; I wouldn't really call it 'pizza'. :iconchibirussiaplz: There's been kind of a rivalry between New York style and Chicago's deep dish. More like a good cheesy tomato pie, with a thick crust. :iconspainplz: I also finished off that Chocolate Island from Bahama Breeze for dessert. It was funny, because most of it had turned into a thick chocolate puddle. :iconsleepygreeceplz:Still, it was so good! :iconchibispainplz:I'm going to have the Country Cheddar thing tonight. It's like a cheddar fest! :iconprussiaplz: It also has potatoes, broccoli, and a little pasta. So good! :iconitalyplz: I'll probably have that 3 berry cake we still have. I've been eating a lot of good food lately! Tasha's been going nuts since my parents left. Very clingy, and she keeps looking at me like the litter box needs changing. :iconswissplz: But, I did a huge cleaning in there just before I went to bed. I even added extra stuff to it. So, it should be fine. :iconchibienglandplz: I think she just wants attention. :iconrussiavodkaplz: She's also 'talking' a lot more. Of course, when we're all home she doesn't really meow that often, and usually it's just a squeak. It's kind of funny, but nice to hear her voice.:iconchibiromanoplz: 

I posted 2 pics on dA: Beautiful Sunset 2 Pink Flowers These were both taken at Veteran's Park. I like the sunset one, and think it came out pretty good. It might not be the prettiest, but it's got a cool effect. :iconchibiamericaplz:For the other one, I was trying my best at getting those tiny flowers. (They were so high up, and there's only so far my camera can zoom.) I think it wasn't too bad a pic, not the best either. :iconchibiswedenplz: But, it shows some contrast between the trees, so on that note it was good. Oddly, the one with the flowers has gotten the most faves so far. :iconkumajiroplz: It's always interesting to me to see what gets the most faves and/or comments. I also tried to work a little on my new character. I don't have a name for him yet. I'm trying to pinpoint where he comes from first. Might take a bit longer.:iconlietplz: I also played some more Irish tunes. Seems like it's becoming more and more effortless again. I wanted to keep going, but I had other things I needed to do. :iconpolandplz: Plus, it's not good to play it for too long. I'm almost done with a sentence from the grill's manual.
In Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei, they went from a patience comparison contest, to an obsession one. Being obsessed with products and what happens when you do. They should someone similar to Michael Jackson and said his obsession was plastic surgery. Matoi enters the contest saying she's obsessed with love, making calls, spying, and trespassing. They say that's more like obsessed with stalker love. Next, it was about an emergency turning into a crisis. This was the point in the anime where Chiri 'killed' off everyone to 'overcome' her emergencies. Creepy, but funny how she goes about it.

In Kuroshitsuji, it was pretty much the same as the curry arc in the manga. Interesting to see it in action, and hear the sounds. I think it was better done than the manga on this part. I didn't realize this in the manga, but it looks like Agni cries blood at one point. They did do it in a totally different order. Also, in the manga, the Plu arc isn't in the manga yet. They seem to have added his previous owner at the end of this episode. So maybe next time it will be different than the manga. 

I played Find the Escape-Men 11: 2010 Viva World Cup. (Odd that they called it 'Viva'. I guess because Fifa's trademarked?:iconkikuplz:) You have to find all the players to your soccer team. It was funny and weird. Found them all in the end. :iconyaykumajiroplz:

I'm pretty much done coloring Zero. He looks a bit off to me. :iconbraginskiplz: I'll have to see if I can do anything to change that tomorrow. I don't have deep enough reds and blacks, so I had to improvise a bit. :iconchibijapanplz: I hope he doesn't look too crappy. :iconromanoplz: He was fine before I colored him. We'll see how it turns out. 

Cool way to show some of the entries for Eurovision.

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