Wednesday, October 23, 2019

24th of Tishri

Managed to get another walk in yesterday. Yay! Went a little later than the day before, so most of it was in the dark. No rain this time. A bit chillier. A nice and friendly cat ran up to me. Not sure if it's one I've seen before, since it was so dark. Had my little flashlight with me, but by the time I got used to it, there was another streetlight. So, it took a while for my eyes to adjust again. The spaces between the streetlights are too wide. There's actually been complaints about that in the past. There's always really dark patches at night. Especially on the little path that runs through a greenbelt that's part of my walk. No lights there. I could also use my phone's flashlight. That's more powerful. We'll see. 

I've also been listening to Pandora on my phone during my walks this week. I normally would listen to my walkman mp3 player. When I last did my walks regularly, I thought that Pandora would cut out because there are some 'dead zones' (I think, at least) on my route. It hasn't yet. I like my mp3 player and it has a lot of songs on it, despite it only being like 8% full. I have a paid subscription version of Pandora now without ads, unlimited skips, and more. It has some of my faves, and introduces me to new stuff. So, I'm not sure which one to use now, knowing that both work fine. Maybe I can switch off on them every so often. I like that I have a choice with that now.

In Duolingo's Dutch course, I finished Past Part. and went through all of Feelings 2. Only made a couple of mistakes. Made it to #3 of the Ruby League when I finished today. 

I decided to erase the pencil marks of my drawing of Junko. Took longer than I thought it would, so I'll scan and start fixing it in Photoshop next time. 

Finished editing chapter 15, and a little into chapter 16. There are 20 chapters all together, so I'm getting close to the end again. Went through 8 pages of the ebook version, and 11 pages of the print. 

Managed to practice my clarinet again. Finished the Gershwin book, and went through some advanced solo pieces. I had a tendency to play a little too loud at the beginning. Luckily, some of the solo pieces gave me more practice with dynamics. Was better roughly halfway through. Other than that, it sounded pretty good. A couple of mistakes, but not bad. 

It turns out that we probably don't have to do anything to keep my health insurance coverage as a dependent. My parent found out that I'll be on it at least until January of 2021. I have a feeling they told us about the earlier deadline because of the change in insurance itself. I have a feeling that went out to everyone who had a dependent on theirs. Member services got back with me and said they found the approval letter, but can't give the dependent a copy of that letter. Bizarre. Only my parent and her employer (I think) can get a copy of it. At least we know they have it. If they have the letter, they could use it in the future after January 2021. Probably for every year I'd need to. Still kind of scary. Even if I'm still on it, I may have to get new doctors, since it'll be a totally different plan. I don't know. Again, probably another good reason to wait and see what happens before I make that appointment to see a dermatologist. I hope it'll still cover the gender program, too. I was going to ask the social worker assigned to me through it how to go about getting electrolysis. They cover it through the program, since it's transition-related. I don't know if I need approval from a therapist or someone else first? Or, if I can just get it done without approval, where can I go that's covered? I don't know much about it. I might wait to see what happens with my insurance before I attempt to start electrolysis, to make sure. It'd be interesting if we're both on better plans. 

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