Friday, November 22, 2019

24th of Cheshvan

I've been sick since my last post. Probably a cold. I suspected I came down with something in that one. It's still lingering on. Having coughing attacks, runny nose, and sneezing a lot. I know my body's trying to get rid of it all, but it's difficult to sit through on top of those 'mystery symptoms' I've had for a while now. I also know it can take longer to get over simple things like colds, while on something that works similarly as an immunosuppressant for my colitis. 

Made an account and played a little on the PlayStation 4 on Monday. That was my first time on it. We've had it for a few weeks. I played a Sonic game, which was like a blast of nostalgia. I have a Sega Genesis that's still in good condition, and one of my first games was Sonic the Hedgehog 2. I think that actually came with it. This one has similar levels, but is mostly 3D. Different options for actions, too. Apparently Sonic has a doppelganger in this one. Also, tried G-d of War. The graphics are amazing. Not sure I liked how often the controller vibrated. I died in kind of an annoying part. My son has to shoot arrows at a giant monster at certain times (have to press a button each time for his shots), and I have to attack that monster on my end (hitting other buttons). The monster kept going after me instead of getting distracted by my son. One of the son's last lines was: "Don't leave me all alone in this world!" Makes it seem even worse. He seems to be constantly looking for his father's approval and praise, too. Sad. He doesn't get it much. I want to download Morrowind, but it looks like they don't go back that far in the Elder Scrolls franchise on there. (I could be wrong.) They do have Oblivion which was a sequel to that. I don't think I ever played it. It might be similar. That'd be fun. I didn't go back to it after Monday, because I've felt worse since then. Maybe this weekend. 

Finished editing Alliance. It was the 2nd time in a row. I hadn't edited it since I published it until recently. So, about 5 or 6 years in between. Long time. There were so many mistakes, I'm calling it a revised edition. I shaved off 3,000 words. Looks like it'll be a smoother read now. Not sure how many pages less. The print is made from a template that's for around 300 pages, and I think it was a couple of pages over that. It's now 298. Ebook is now 206 pages. I think it was quite a lot more beforehand. It's still my longest book out of the 5 that are out, from what I remember. After that, I immediately started editing Alliance: Dawn, the sequel. I like how this one is laid out more, it's jam-packed with stuff, and there doesn't seem to be as many mistakes so far. Although, I feel embarrassed that I misgendered my main character towards the beginning...It's like stabbing my baby. (It was just in one sentence, but still...) Hopefully, no one brought that up in the reviews. I haven't looked at that stuff since I started all this editing. At least I caught and corrected it. This one started with 147 pages for the ebook, and 220 pages for the print. Not bad. It's also 9,000 words less than A1 ended up with. Easier already that way. I went through all of the 2nd chapter today. I seem to be cruising through it. 

Still correcting/editing the drawing of Junko in Photoshop. (Again, Junko's a character in Alliance.) Straightening and thinning out the lines, and taking out things that shouldn't be there at the moment. I don't know why, but I seem to have given her a human ear in addition to her cat ears. (She is a cat demon.) That was easy to correct. I can't believe I forgot to draw her tail. It dawned on me a couple of days ago. I could think of it as hidden behind her. She does have a knee out, so maybe it's behind that. I could draw it as a side thing in the future. I might draw her previous cat form, too. 

Finished Duolingo's Dutch course. I'm unsure as to which language I should start next, so I'm taking at least a week-long break from it. (Might be 2, depending on how I feel.) Here are the ones I might learn next: Hindi, possibly going back to modern Hebrew (it doesn't have vowels written out, which makes it a little more difficult than what I'm used to), Gaelic, Welsh, Thai, or Vietnamese. Quite a mix. So far, I've recently gone through these Duolingo courses: German, Italian, Korean, and Dutch. I used HelloChinese for Mandarin after the German course, which was probably one of the best language courses so far. They recently had a huge update adding twice the amount of units. I might go back to that someday. I tried Duolingo's Russian course, but it was too glitchy. I thought it'd be fun to familiarize myself with that again, since I took it in college. Loved it back then. I feel lucky that Duolingo has so many options, and they add languages every few months. Some languages are great on there, and some...not so much. 

Another anime I'm rewatching is Vandread. It originally aired in 2000. I watched it in my college's anime club. Probably around 2005. It was already 'old' by then. However, the concept I think was ahead of its time. It plays with gender a lot. It takes place in the future, where men and women have been segregated to 2 different planets for a few generations. They fight each other occasionally. The women have no problem with keeping up their population, since they've figured out a way to have children without men. If I remember correctly, they can only have girls, though. I think the men are having a harder time with that. The women don't seem as militant, either. Both genders have created their own fables of each other. Men depicting women as monsters. Women depicting men as aliens. The main character, Hibiki, gets stuck on a male battleship after female pirates take over it. He wasn't even supposed to be on it. Someone bet him to steal a high-tech robot, so he snuck in. He's just an engineer. A few of the other men that were supposed to be there get stuck, too. It's interesting to see their initial reactions to each other, considering they haven't met the other gender before. 

I also decided to watch the original Hunter x Hunter. That started in 1999. Saw some of it with that anime club, but we stopped to watch something else at some point. I never went back to it. So, it's one of those that I 'dropped' but am going back to now. I forgot about it and there were so many new interesting shows coming out. HxH is a pretty long series, especially if you put that first series (62 episodes), plus an OVA that's 30 episodes long, plus the series that started in 2011 (148 episodes) together seems like quite an undertaking. (That's not counting a couple of movies.) Nothing like One Piece, but still a lot. I'm willing to try it again. 


Kuroshitsuji (Black Butler):

Fairy Tail:

One Piece:

One Punch Man:

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