Wednesday, May 8, 2019

3rd of Iyar

Rosie had a vet appointment yesterday morning. Her matted fur had gotten so bad, we couldn't cut those patches out anymore. She also got a sore the night before under a patch of it. We weren't sure about her teeth, since she seemed to have a painful tooth not too long ago. When that happened, she was also doing something weird with drooping an ear to the side. She was due for a physical. So, she really needed to be seen. 

They shaved all the matted fur off. Almost down to the skin. It was very deep. The wound looks worse than it is, but they told us it was healing well on its own. Just in case, they gave us anti-microbial wipes to keep it clean. Telling us to dab it twice a day. They noticed she had gained a little more weight. Last time we were told she was a little overweight. Not good. Although, she's mostly muscle. She's very active. They ran some blood tests and we'll find out the results in a couple of days. Interesting to see that they're basically the same tests humans have done. Obviously with different norms. She also had her nails trimmed. She's been trying to pull them out lately. Sounds like she had a day at the spa.

She didn't put up much of a struggle with getting into the carrier this time. She might have been groggy, since it was in the morning. Didn't seem as traumatic, either. Maybe she wasn't groggy, and just realized that the carrier's not a bad thing? I don't know.

She seems a lot happier. She's still hugging me a lot. I've decided to use her grooming glove first thing when I go downstairs in the morning, and as the last thing I do downstairs at night. That way I can stay on top of keeping her fur nice. Especially as it grows. I didn't start using that glove when she was completely without matted fur (I think she's had them since we got her, it just wasn't as bad), so this will probably help a lot. I'll dab those wipes on her wound at around the same time. Easier to remember that way. 

I decided to feed her a little differently. She eats every time we're in the kitchen. There are 2 bowls. Originally one for Tasha and one for Rosie. Rosie has taken them both over (Tasha has a food bowl on the banister over the stairs), but I think Tasha sometimes goes down for a snack when we're all asleep, or she doesn't want to wait for one of us (obviously if Rosie's not there). She can't jump up there on her own anymore. So, I think it's wise to keep both bowls there for now. I'm giving Rosie less food at a time, only waiting until she completely finishes those bowls, cleaning them, and then giving her a little more. Before I'd fill them up to the brim, and halfway through she'd ask for more. If I'm constantly adding to it throughout the day, it ends up being too much. I waited until there were crumbs left today, cleaned them, and filled them about half as much as I normally do. She was not happy that I waited so long to give her more. She didn't seem disappointed with the amount. So, we'll see how this goes. It'll be hard to ignore her. She bites when I don't give her more right away. Cleaning it more often might encourage her to finish what she already has. It's just harder to clean them with what's going on with my hands/wrists. 

With Duolingo's Korean course, I'm halfway through the Seasons unit. I've decided to only finish the 1st level of each unit after I got more used to the alphabet. Seem to be doing ok that way. They added a 'league' section. I'm currently in the silver league, despite skipping some days lately. In fact, I'm in the top 10. Once you're still in the top 10 by the end of the week, you advance to the next league. 

Finally finished erasing and thinning the lines of that full-body Shadow drawing in Photoshop today. Only took me so long because I haven't been doing it often. Next, I'll connect some of the lines that weren't connected before, then I might color it in. If I color it in, I might add shading to it, too. It'll be interesting to see the final product. It already looks better than my previous full-body drawings.

Finally managed to get to some editing of Alliance today, as well. It's a little embarrassing, but I haven't done that in almost 2 months. I want to finish that soon. Hopefully I'll get to it more often now.

Watched Ghoul on Netflix. It's a 3-part Indian horror miniseries. There was a lot to it. They marketed it as a zombie show. It wasn't. The 'monster' was a summoned Arabic demon. With every person it bites, it can change it's appearance to look like them. I think it even can carry over the personality and memories of that person. Essentially creating a clone. It makes it's victims confront their guilt. If they're completely innocent, it won't touch them. One character in it was, and the demon seemed to protect him. The main character was a strong Muslim woman who was an interrogation officer. India was taken over by a brutal regime. People were assigned to certain sectors based on their religion. The ones who came to power were Christian and oppressed everyone else. They publicly burned books, restricted what teachers/professors could teach, interrogated people for no reason, punished people for being 'fake' Christians, etc. They were like Nazis. It was set in a not so distant future. It was interesting that despite being treated poorly, the main character still believed in the government. She even turned her father in. He was a professor and just wanted to educate his students more than what was on the syllabus. I'm not sure if I'm happy about the ending, but overall it was pretty good. 

Started watching Perfume on Netflix. It's a German detective show. Only 6 episodes, so more like a miniseries. The murder was rather brutal. The killer cut out her scent glands. As well as most areas that had hair. Cut off all the hair on her head. (Leaving her scalp intact.) The killer seems to be turning those 'pieces' into perfume. The only thing I'm not liking about it is the sex scenes. There are quite a lot and I've only seen the first episode. Maybe there will be less in future episodes? 

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